Something wrong, I hold my head, S.J. gone ...that geek dead.
Like the time you had your first kiss or where you were when you heard the King of Pop died. Everyone will always remember where they were or what they were doing the Master of the Mac went to that ride on Processor Highway up to the big CPU in the sky.
What was that? Where was I you ask?
Good question. I was actually perusing the internet, on a slim and sleek Mac Book Pro, searching for accent pillows for my couch to match the color of the walls in my living room ( Yes this O.G. watches H.G.T.V). Then I stumbled across the headline “Apple Co-founder dies at 56” The funny part is ...I don’t own a Mac. This just goes to show how successful Steve Jobs was at intergrating Apple into every facet of our lives.
There are plenty of things worth remembering about Steve Jobs. But probably the one most worth noting is that Jobs gave us the authority to design and control our own shit.
In our Age thinking for yourself is considered odd or a mistake. We constantly reinforce the need to fit into a bottle. Much of our instinctive creativity that we are born with is stifled. We start our dreaming, pretending and creating; and end up crunching numbers making up excuses and taking half hour lunch breaks. Amongst the stress from our professors, bosses, and even family members, many of us throw in the towel in search of our meaning and purpose in life. Because we like to follow the herd. Fuck that. And after some time, some of us start to doubt that we actually have something unique to offer the world
When we try and measure ourselves by others standards; Its like the kid in the Volkswagen commercial wacking at the pinata with all his might and not even putting a dent in the damn thing. (c'mon you know the advertisement I'm talking about).. but its pointless..
Some time after Jobs 30th birthday, Apple relieved him of his duties as CEO. Upon his return Job initiated an ad campaign that pretty much sums up his belief and approach to life.
So lets give three cheers for the guy that taught us not to conform to what others think. Figure out your own importance to this world and find a way to make a difference.
I am We.